The most common usage of spring cleaning refers to the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom in the first warm days of the year typically in spring. However it has also come to be synonymous with any kind of heavy duty cleaning or organizing enterprise. Join us as we take spring cleaning to a new level, by cleaning out our subconscious trash, emotional baggage, and of course, picking up a few things around the house.

It is amazing to me how refreshing it is to get rid of some clutter and move on.  That clutter can be emotional baggage that is weighing you down.  Or hanging onto regret or bad feelings towards others.  You can even carry around clutter of bad habits.  Not to mention the clutter of piles that stack up around your house in normal living.  There is a saying that you sleep better in a clean room and you think better in a clean office.  You also feel better in a clean environment. 

Join us for some tools in spring cleaning your life.

Photo credits:  Mister GC, photostock, and Bill Longshaw at