Do you need some help in structuring your business? In this podcast episode, Sarah discusses the challenges of time management and productivity as a busy mom. She introduces Brittany Dixon, a guest who specializes in simplifying productivity and time management. 


Create a Unique System


Structure in your business and your life provides freedom. It provides the freedom to choose how to organize your life and ultimately if done in a way that works for you, you can have more freedom to do the things that you love. Creating a unique system and staying organized is not easy for everyone. 


Everyone is not that type A person who needs organization. Brittany shares the importance of making organization a habit and learned pattern, where repeating organizational behaviour over and over can lead to the ability to create a system. There will come a time when you need to re-evaluate a system. This could be due to a new season or a life changing event that causes you to reorganize the way you run a business or live your life. Pick a time to reevaluate what no longer works and put new systems in place.


Create a Clear Vision


Brittany shares the importance of having a clear vision of where you want to go, especially as it relates to business. She uses the analogy of going on a roadtrip with no end destination and that everyone has a few stops along the way. It is important to have the destination in mind so you are not lost and confused on what you need to achieve and accomplish.


Brittany talks about her top 3 non-negotiables for systems for all business owners. The first is having an organized digital workspace. It is crucial to have a digital workspace that is organized so you don't lose information and it works to your benefit. Whether it's a software where you take notes or make lists or a file sharing platform, it needs to be very organized and up to date. If not, you are wasting time searching for information. The second non-negotiable is task management and having a system to track and delegate tasks. The third is a customer service manager (CRM), which is where you store your contacts, customers, leads and potential clients. All of these allow business owners to move quickly and stay successful.


Create White Space


It can be tough to not fill every inch of your calendar with a task. Some may feel if they don't, they get into the habit of procrastinating or slacking off. Brittany shares the importance of not filling the white space. The white spaces on a calendar are empty slots in between other tasks. It is important to use that white space for self care or fun things in the middle of the day. Use the white space to work out, go for a walk, take a nap or do a fun activity. Every inch of your calendar does not need to be filled up unless you want to burn out!


The 3P’s of Business


Lastly, Brittany teaches about the 3 P’s of productivity, which are process, plan and prepare. She shares how she created a process of carving out 15-30 minutes at the end of the day to plan for the next day. The planning portion involves sitting down and going over everything you need to get done. Take a look at the calendar to see what you will be doing over the course of the next day or week and plan accordingly. This all allows you to feel prepared for the next day.


➡️ Take a listen to learn more!


Episode Highlights:

10:51 The importance of systems

15:41 How to reevaluate systems

20:47 Have a clear vision and purpose in order to make progress

22:00 Brittany shares her top three non-negotiable systems for business owners

28:51 Exploring the significance of intentionally creating white space


Connect with Brittany:







Links Mentioned:

The Peace and Productivity Planner 

