Today you are getting a peek into my current monthly planning process! I am sharing how I approach a new month so that I can set myself and my family up for success.

Truly, planning is where this whole journey started for me when it comes to the business and the podcast. I am a firm believer that planning and creating a flexible structure = freedom and the ability to design a life we love! 


In this episode: 


What is in my current planning toolbox  Applying the detective mindset to the planning process Reflect + Reset  Schedule with intention  Cycle syncing 101 + aligning your cycle with your monthly plan 


Links mentioned: 


Blissoma Skin Care

The Peace and Productivity Group Coaching Program 

Alissa Vitti Cycle Syncing Resources 

The Peace and Productivity Planner Waitlist 

Cycle Syncing with Megan Rempel Episode #63