Next Episode: Sex or Wealth

#0091 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃*Motivation* leads to *Inspiration* which leads to *Transformation* are you willing to take this journey?

In this episode, we’re taking another deep dive into your mind. Today I want you to seek and uncover all the mental baggage you’ve been caring around for years.

We all have past experiences good or bad, but let me ask you which experience is directing you?  

If you have something traumatizing that has happened to you, have to let that experience go. Letting go of past experiences is one of the hardest things that you will ever do but at the same time it Hass to be a priority.

The further you push down all the bad experiences in your life the deeper the route will become. The roots of who you are can always be changed if you are willing to go through the process. Today I want you focusing on letting go of the things that are holding us back. 

Why would I say that letter will save your life? 
Experiences shape us and mold us into good or bad people. Holding on to bad experiences will keep you stuck heading directly towards destruction.

Homework 📚 

Write the letter that will save your life.Picture yourself letting me go.

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E-mail me @ [email protected]
We focus on mental, physical, and spiritual wins every day.