Previous Episode: You Should Do It

#0046 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃

In this episode, we’re discussing destiny.

I know the title suggests this episode will be on weight loss, but it’s much much more. 

Weight loss is only the beginning. 

It’s the mental mastery that takes place within the process I need you to get a grasp on. Your current life is tethered to your destiny with you like it or not but let me help you understand with the means...


The utmost length to which one can go in action; the utmost extent or limit of ability or resources.a rope, chain, or the like, by which an animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit its range of movement.

The metal mystery comes at the breaking point. You gain mystery/control over your mind when you push it to its breaking point. 

You break it, you gain control. 

Once you understand what you can do, that’s nothing you can’t do.


Robert Wells-

It’s not about weight loss, it’s about mental gain.


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We focus on mental, physical and spiritual wins every day.