Previous Episode: Stay Rooted

#0123😏Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😁*Motivation* leads to *Inspiration* which leads to *Transformation* are you willing to take this journey?

In this episode, we're talking about coming to an understanding of who you are, and most importantly where you are.Β 

I'm about to take you through a process. I need you to feel something. I want you to feel the feeling of fear, but I want you to understand why you have that fear. If you're willing to expose that fear we can backtrack and work through the fear. What I’m after today is the level of belief you have in yourself.Β 

It’s easy to say you want to be a particular person, but let me ask you when I say that what do you feel?Β  Now let me ask you this, what if I told you, you could be the best in the world what type of feelings are you feeling now?Β 

To master a particular craft or become an expert what’s needed is 10,000. All we have to do is the math. With the understanding, we get better along the way, and the more time you put in, the faster you will get your results.Β 

Homework πŸ“šΒ 

Outlier by Malcolm Gladwell: πŸ‘‡πŸ½Free πŸ‘‡πŸ½ $7.79 back and listen to episode #108 Harnessing the flow of creativity

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