Previous Episode: Leaders Leading Leaders

#0024 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃

On the episode, we're talking about how to over any bad days, that may come your way.

This I must say will be one of those feel-good, uplifting messages. Doesn't matter who you are we all have bad days, it happens. But what can we automatically turn to? 

Having the ability to switch your perspective on life would be amazing right? 

This formula is quite simple, to be honest.

Making yourself available to others, will change your current life experience.

By putting other people's needs ahead of your own for the time being, we'll shift your reality. Serving others by far brings out happiness within you.

Your feelings are temporary, let's keep them that way. You have the power at anytime

to make life's lesson a blessing.


Stop where you are and figure out why your day isn't going right. Find a stranger and do a good deed. 


Don't forget to get a free copy of my e-book!

E-mail me @ [email protected] 

We focus on mental, physical and spiritual wins everyday.