Previous Episode: Fat Boy Syndrome Part -2

#006  I have an amazing topic on today’s show. 
On this episode we're exploring “men emotions” This will be an on going conversation.          
It's not possible to cover everything surrounding this particular subject on one podcast, it will took several. 

This is one of my favorite topics why? Quite frankly, it's not talked about enough. What I've learned throughout my years the lack of emotional control will alter your future in an instant.

The unfortunate truth behind men’s emotions has to do with the fact it’s almost an unwritten law not to show and down right feel our emotions. Leaving us with an unfavorable life of concealing our true nature.
Unable to display whats present on the inside, on the out. This will be one on the topics we have to come back 

On this episode we talk about how to control your emotions and the consequences that stem from keeping them locked in.

Show In 2 parts:

Destructive/Bottled up emotions.

Control/Mastery of emotions.

Home Work:

Understand the concept of slowing down time 

3 step process

Feel it, understand it, let it go. 

Memorize this quote:

Stop letting people who care so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions.                                      -Will Smith

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