Previous Episode: Break Every Chain
Next Episode: I Need You to Man Up

#0076 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃

*Motivation* leads to *Inspiration* which leads to *Transformation* are you willing to take this journey?

On this episode, we’re targeting another big 

roadblock, abandonment, and all the deep-rooted issues that come from it. 

The crazy thing about this one abandonment most people don't know it’s controlling their lives until it’s brought to their attention.

Is it possible to have both parents in your life but feel abandoned? You already know what I’m about to say Yes!!! 

Having people in your life but not present puts them In the same category of not being there. 

I have another list of questions for you to see if you fall into one of these categories:

Do you hold on to people who clearly have no place in your life, but the need for them outweighs all the destruction he/she brings?Are you attracted to a broken woman?What’s driving your relationships or relationship, can you honestly say it’s love or necessity?Do you feel loved or safe living within toxic environments?

HB Charles Junior-

your past me explain you but it doesn’t excuse you

Homework 📚 

By now you know where’s in search of the root of your problem. What is it? Where did your trimmer*Start? Full your life up with real loving people (they do exist), not fake imitations* your mind made up. Remember when we remove trauma* adduction* bad habit* we have to replace it with forward-moving positively.


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We focus on mental, physical, and spiritual wins every day.