#0038 😃Welcome to another episode of Your Purposeful Purpose Podcast😃

In this episode, we talk about changing your outer world. We put a lot of focus on changing your inner world, which reflects who we are on the outside but today we focus on what's happening around you on a daily day basis.

Each and every one of us has someone extraordinary to give to this world, but we put all of our focus on the big picture but not the small things that add up to the big picture, that's what really matter.

What you are now will amplify one's success comes into play. 

So let me ask you what does your world look like right now. From the time you wake up all the way until bedtime? 

What matters the most is how you see that world. Successful people don't change when they become successful( Some ), that change happened long beforehand. 

See what happens on the road to our density is we get stuck, recreating this identity that takes control/over our life. Instead of creating a roll for this identity to fit within our life.

What I'm after today is for you to be that very thing your mind's eye sees right now, but have a deep understanding that's just one of the many roles you play, it's not your Identity.


Start living your life as if you already arrived at your destination.We already know Gandhi said be the change you want to see, so its do it.


Don't forget to get a free copy of my e-book!

E-mail me @ [email protected]

We focus on mental, physical and spiritual wins every day.