Podcast Air Date: Monday, Feb. 01, 2021

Topic: Do Something for Fun

Note from Aimee J.: You will do amazing today!

Consider This: You need to have an outlet of fun and enjoyment in your life. If you don’t you will begin to foster resentment with how your life is going. Do something just for the fun of it. Watch a movie, take in a show, read a book. Do it simply for the sake of you enjoying it with no ulterior motives.


You are Awesome.

You are Loved.

You are Needed. And most importantly,

YOU ARE ENOUGH. Just the way you are, as you are. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. Got that?

Resources & Links:

Download Aimee J. Ringtones including Intentional Alarm & AffirmationYour Personal Hype Man ;Your Personal Hype Man on iTunesChasing Dreams with Aimee J.National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ;Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National HelplineOpen Path Collective ;Psychology Today ;Mental Health America ;

Let’s Connect:

Leave a Voicemail ; Aimee on Instagram ;Aimee on Facebook ;Aimee on Twitter ;Aimee on YouTube ;Aimee on LinkedIn ;Aimee on TikTok ;Aimee on Pinterest ;

Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing! =)

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