Day: 057

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020

Topic: Focus on Your Race

Note from Aimee J.: Live your life with horse blinders on.

Action: In the race called life, you have to keep your blinders on. The moment you start looking at other people and wondering about them, you will lose yourself and slow down, if not stumble and fall. When you start to look at the other racers, you will begin to compare and that will be your downfall. You don’t know what obstacles and hurdles were in their race. You’re looking at their 20th lap and comparing it to your 5th. Run your own race.


You have your own race to win.
You can win your own race, but not someone else’s.
Keep your eyes forward, and wear your blinders.
It’s just you and your goal.


You are Awesome.
You are Loved.
You are Needed. And most importantly,

Resources & Links:

Your Personal Hype Man ; Alexa Skill: Your Personal Hype Man ; Your Personal Hype Man on iTunes Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Let’s Connect:

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E-mail Aimee J. ; Aimee on Instagram ; Aimee on Facebook ; Aimee on Twitter ; Aimee on YouTube ; Aimee on LinkedIn ; Aimee on TikTok ; Aimee on Snapchat ; Aimee on Pinterest ;


Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing!  =)

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