Day: 054

Date: Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020

Topic: Know Your Weaknesses

Note from Aimee J.: It is actually a strength to know where your weak spots are.

Action: Just as important as knowing your strengths, you should also identify, understand, and accept/address your weaknesses. You have to do a deep dive to evaluate yourself and where you are today, because it can and will change. I like to think of my life in eleven different parts:

Physical Health – your physical well being Mental Health – your mental well being Financial – your wealth or financial situation Spiritual – your relationship to God or a higher power Family Relationships – your connection to your family members Friendships – your relationships with friends Partnerships – your romantic or loving relationships with others Recreation – hobbies and interests that make you happy that you do occasionally Walk of Life – your work or passion in life that you spend significant time on Personal Growth – how do you improve yourself Surroundings – the environment that you spend the most time in

Evaluate how you are doing in each of these areas and be honest. Knowing where you “fall short” will help you figure out where you can improve or what you have to accept about yourself. This will also help you accept that you are enough. Doing this exercise does not negate that. How you define yourself is what is enough for this world.


You are Who You Are - A Combination of Your Strengths & Weaknesses.
You are Still What the World Needs.
You Define Who You Are.


You are Awesome.
You are Loved.
You are Needed. And most importantly,

Resources & Links:

LifeScore Assessment by Michael Hyatt ; Your Personal Hype Man ; Alexa Skill: Your Personal Hype Man ; Your Personal Hype Man on iTunes Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Let’s Connect:

Leave a Voicemail ;
E-mail Aimee J. ; Aimee on Instagram ; Aimee on Facebook ; Aimee on Twitter ; Aimee on YouTube ; Aimee on LinkedIn ; Aimee on TikTok ; Aimee on Snapchat ; Aimee on Pinterest ;


Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing!  =)

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