Day: 031

Date: Friday, Jan. 31, 2020

Note from Aimee J.: You have enough worries, without adding things beyond your control! Let those go! You got this! Have faith!!

Topic: Focus on What is in Your Control

Action: If you’re worrying about something today, don’t worry about what is not in your control. If there is something in your control, I want you to handle your business. But for the parts that are outside of your control because someone else is responsible or has to take action, don’t hold on to it. Focus on what you can control and let everything else fall into place. You can’t handle other people, only your reaction to it. Don’t give power to the things that are not in your control. Respectfully, it is a wasted effort, because you cannot change the result. Because if you could, then it would be in your control. Right?


You have a Right to be Worried, but Only Worry About What You can Control.
Although it may not feel like it, Everything will Work Out.
You can Handle Whatever Comes Your Way.
You Got This!


You are Awesome.
You are Loved.
You are Needed. And most importantly,

Resources & Links:

Your Personal Hype Man ; Alexa Skill: Your Personal Hype Man ; Your Personal Hype Man on iTunes Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Let’s Connect:

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E-mail Aimee J. ; Aimee on Instagram ; Aimee on Facebook ; Aimee on Twitter ; Aimee on YouTube ; Aimee on LinkedIn ; Aimee on TikTok ; Aimee on Snapchat ; Aimee on Pinterest ;


Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing!  =)

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