Day: 026

Date: Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020

Note from Aimee J.: Your time is coming! Keep at it! Hang in there!

Topic: Be Patient

Action: Anything worthwhile is going to take work. You can’t shortcut the process. The world will know, and you’ll still be waiting. So, put in the work and keep pushing forward. There is no such thing as an overnight success. What you don’t see when you see the success is the months and years of work that was put in. You have to be patient. It will take time, but your time will come if you are faithful to the process.


You are Worth it.
Don’t Give Up.
You Deserve Happiness.
It’s Not Too Late to make a change.
You can Do It.
You can make One Small Step towards progress.
Don’t listen to what other people may say or think.
What do you want? Go after that.


You are Awesome.
You are Loved.
You are Needed. And most importantly,

Resources & Links:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Helpline National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ; Open Path Collective ; Psychology Today ; Mental Health America ; Your Personal Hype Man ; Alexa Skill: Your Personal Hype Man ; Your Personal Hype Man on iTunes Chasing Dreams with Aimee J.

Let’s Connect:

Leave a Voicemail ;
E-mail Aimee J. ; Aimee on Instagram ; Aimee on Facebook ; Aimee on Twitter ; Aimee on YouTube ; Aimee on LinkedIn ; Aimee on TikTok ; Aimee on Snapchat ; Aimee on Pinterest ;


Remember: Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing!  =)

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