As real estate professionals, we have to run in 2 lanes. We have to be on top of the market data, but also be in touch with humanity enough to know that the numbers don’t make up the whole puzzle when it comes to a transaction. 

The numbers on paper and computer screens don’t always translate to what’s happening on the ground - market reports could say that things are balanced, when in reality, buyers have more leverage over sellers. Additionally, the numbers don’t apply to the specific situation of the client in front of us. 

The data is important, but it’s meaningless without the human piece, and the life events and factors that drive them to make a move. The question of whether or not this is a good time to buy and sell is an incomplete one. We always have to bring it back to the specific person we’re helping, and what they are trying to accomplish. That’s how we map the way forward and steer people in the right direction for them. Matt Long believes that our focus needs to be on the right decision for the client injected with market data. 

In this episode, he talks about Legend Trail and how he’s coaching buyers and sellers through the real estate process right now.  

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Matt Long is an agent and owner of 2nd Mile Group. He’s been at this since 2005, and his favorite aspect of being a real estate agent is helping people find that one perfect place to call home in the sea of available properties. To get in touch with Matt send a text to 602-284-3553 or find him on Facebook.