Research shows that it is very beneficial to slow down, disengage from our constant connection with technology, and strengthen our creativity and goal achievement by taking a break from our devices. 
Sarah Hohmann and I discuss our challenges with harnessing our use of technology. 
For example, our first thing in the morning can be to start with 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time. Learn more how this practice allows you to refresh your mental wellness. As a result, you will (re-)discover your voice and sanity.

You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity.

Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would tell a friend about the podcast

What are your questions about your mental wellness, tools for vitality, or any other topic that comes up for you?

Email me: [email protected] .

Tools for Vitality: Therapy, Coaching, Optimizing Nutrition and Movement for Mental Wellness