Jason Goggans and I discuss the importance of understanding why you are working to improve your health and enjoying it. We cover why weight training is so crucial and how to prevent fat gain as you age.

A former police officer, Jason has been a fitness and weightloss coach for 21 years, owning personal training studios, boot camps, and a CrossFit gyms for 17 of them. He now dedicates himself full-time to assisting people online.

Website: https://jasongoggansfitness.com/


(02:05) How Jason became a personal trainer.

(07:18) Understand that fitness professionals live different lives than most.

(08:46) Going to extremes is a mistake for most people.

(11:23) Why are you on your fitness journey?

(12:14) The paradox of getting fit and losing weight.

(14:43) Enjoyment of your training is critical for sustainability.

(16:55) Why everyone should resistance train.

(19:57) Weight gain as you age.

(28:27) Calories and your weight.

(31:33) Caloric deficit vs caloric deprivation.

(33:37) Methods of getting in a calorie deficit.

(36:52) You can’t use a short-term tactic to achieve a long-term goal.

(38:47) Closing - How to get in contact with Jason.


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