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You Can Do Amazing Things

81 episodes - English - Latest episode: 8 months ago - ★★★★★ - 45 ratings

If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, but you’re feeling stuck or need more motivation to help you take that action to get you there, join in and listen! "You Can Do Amazing Things" is a podcast designed for anyone that is desiring more motivation, inspiration and knowledge to help them achieve that goal that’s hiding inside, just waiting to bust out! In this podcast, Hollie talks about topics like mindset, confidence, habits, discipline, health and entrepreneurship - it will be a mix of solo episodes and interviews where you will learn helpful tips and strategies, and hear stories from others that took action, despite their limiting beliefs or circumstances and stepped into their purpose, found their passion and accomplished that next AMAZING thing. Your host, Hollie Rumman is a marketing professional, wife and mom of 2 girls who is passionate about teaching and inspiring people to feel more confident and reach their biggest goals and dreams - to become the best version of themselves. Every week there will be a new episode, so if you’re ready to be inspired and get motivated to take that action - grab your coffee or favorite drink and let’s do this! Who is ready?? Tune in…YOU CAN DO AMAZING THINGS!

Self-Improvement Education
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When to Take a Break - What To Do When You Can’t Get Going

September 01, 2022 08:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Have you ever felt like you are stuck or you just can’t get anything done - or you just don’t want to do anything? Know that you’re NOT alone and you may need to just hit the pause button. In this episode I share about my experience this past weekend….and ways we can give ourselves some self care.  We talk about: 4 Ways to identify WHY you’re feeling this way 7 Ideas to give yourself a break Book Mentioned: Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable by Tim S. Grover Experts Mentione...

Now What? Things to do to Not Just Cope with Change, but Flourish as a Result of Change

August 25, 2022 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.8 MB

How could we look at change differently?  How could we not only cope, but be excited and really flourish as a result of big changes in our lives?  We dive into this today and we talk about: 5 of the best strategies to help cope with change 3 main ways how to move from just functioning through change to flourishing as a result of change Some stories from others and how they moved through life after changes and the positive effects they’ve experienced ------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazin...

Is Your Definition of Success Making You Feel Unhappy or Anxious

August 18, 2022 08:00 - 24 minutes - 17.1 MB

What does success mean to YOU?  Are you striving for your own definition of success or someone else’s definition?  If we don’t redefine success for ourselves, this continuous drive toward this elusive idea can lead to burnout, unhappiness and discontentment. Today we are going to talk about this and how we can look at success - and our efforts toward reaching that success - differently, so it produces more positive feelings instead of negative ones. Expert Mentioned: Carol Dweck, PhD The...

Guest Episode with Mesha McKittrick: Mindset: We Have So Much More Power Than We Think We Do

August 11, 2022 08:00 - 35 minutes - 24.7 MB

Meet Mesha McKittrick.  Mesha is a mindset coach and creator of the podcast, Mindset Check. Through her brand My Friend Mesha, she is a Coach,  Social Influencer and Public Speaker. Her passion is teaching people they have more power than they think they do. She believes that what matters in life is NOT what happens, what matters is HOW and what you THINK about what happens. I can't wait for you to hear from her today! Free Resource Mentioned from Mesha:  Proof List-Choose your Feelings...

How to Not Take Things Personally - (Part 2 from Episode 25)

August 04, 2022 08:00 - 15 minutes - 10.5 MB

Hello! I’m back from being off in July - I hope you are enjoying your summer!  When I was doing the last episode - Ep. 25 (Part 1)  I decided that it deserved a 2-part episode.  So in that episode - Part 1 - we talked about How to Stop Making Assumptions - and today, we'll talk about 5 effective techniques to help not take things so personally.   These 2 episodes go hand-in-hand, in my opinion.  If you haven’t listened to Episode 25, I’d say listen to that first, and then come back to this ...

How to Stop Making Assumptions and Not Take Things Personally - PART 1

June 30, 2022 08:00 - 16 minutes - 11.2 MB

In this episode we talk about making assumptions and taking things personally - we all do these things, but why?  I’ll share  why we make assumptions and 4 ways to stop making these negative assumptions. I then decided that this deserved a 2-part episode.  So in PART 2 - coming on August 4th, we'll talk about effective techniques to help not take things so personally.  These 2 episodes go hand-in-hand, in my opinion. I’ll be taking the month of July off and I’ll be back in August! Cheers!...

Guest Episode with Dori Stewart: High School STEM Teacher Turned Successful Entrepreneur

June 23, 2022 08:00 - 25 minutes - 17.4 MB

Meet Dori Stewart - CEO of the Franchising Spot and host of the podcast She Turned Entrepreneur. She is an entrepreneur who went from high school STEM teacher to building a multi-million-dollar, global brand. Her mission is to show others how to build an incredible opportunity by finding the perfect franchise match for them. She has received numerous awards, including the 2014 Brava Award by Smart CEO Magazine, and was listed as one of The Most Creative People in Business 2016 by Fast Comp...

Are you a High Achiever or a Perfectionist? 5 Strategies to Help if you Struggle with Perfectionism

June 16, 2022 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.6 MB

Have you ever felt that you are a perfectionist?  There is a difference between striving to do well and wanting to accomplish your goals, and obsessively working toward a goal only seeing the mistakes made along the way. There are high achievers and then there are perfectionists - it helps to know the difference and to know strategies that can help if perfectionism starts to be a problem for you. In this episode, we talk about different examples of the high achiever vs. the perfectionist, ...

Why Routines Aren’t Boring, Have Multiple Benefits and Why You Actually Need Them

June 09, 2022 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.5 MB

Some people love routine and while others shudder at the thought of having routines.  Believe me - there are so many benefits and reasons WHY you need routine in your life, it can be life-changing. In this episode we are going to talk about why we really crave routine in our lives, the benefits of routines, how to create a routine for YOU, some routine ideas you can try and more.  Listen in - I’m happy you’re here! Book Mentioned: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do In Life And In Bu...

Why Does Time Fly by as we Age and What to do About it, and Why I Started this Podcast

June 02, 2022 08:00 - 12 minutes - 8.63 MB

Why does it feel like time goes by faster and faster?  I talk about this today in this episode and 3 things you can do to try and diminish this sinking feeling.  I also share a bit of why I started this podcast.  Expert Mentioned: Adrian Bejan - Distinguished Professor at Duke University Book Mentioned: Time and Beauty: Why Time Flies and Beauty Never Dies by Adrian Bejan ------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and if you would please leave a rating and review - that would mean t...

Guest Episode with Mindi Huebner: Rewire your Brain to Create the Life you Want

May 26, 2022 08:00 - 35 minutes - 24.5 MB

Meet Mindi Huebner - Intuitive Mindset Mastery Coach, NLP Practitioner, Life and Success Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist.  She has over 24 years of  experience helping women release their limiting beliefs to go after their biggest goals and dreams.  Listen in and learn more about rewiring your brain and gain the clarity and the confidence you’re yearning for. Resource Mentioned: Get Mindi’s free Guided Meditation HERE Mindi Huebner on: Instagram  LinkedIn Her Website Find more of Mi...

Want to Lose Weight for the Summer? 7 Strategies to Help you Succeed

May 19, 2022 08:00 - 22 minutes - 15.8 MB

Losing weight is such a common goal, especially as we get into the warmer months - but there is so much more than just meal planning or exercising that we need to do to create lasting changes with weight loss.  In this episode you’ll learn 7 effective strategies to help you succeed in this endeavor. Resource Mentioned: Free PDF Progress Tracker & Success Journal Books Mentioned: The High Five Habit by Mel Robbins High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard ...

6 Important Habits to Build Confidence

May 12, 2022 08:00 - 21 minutes - 14.5 MB

In this episode we talk about: Traits of confident people 6 daily habits to increase confidence Article Mentioned: The Neuroscience of Behavior Change  Book Mentioned: Hardwiring Happiness by Rick Hanson Expert Mentioned: Amy Cuddy, PhD TED Talk - by Amy Cuddy ------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and if you would please leave a rating and review - that would mean the world to me!  xo - Hollie I’d love to connect! DM me on Instagram @hollierumman  |  Leave me a voicemail...

How to NOT Feel Like You’re Behind in Life

May 05, 2022 08:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

Feeling behind is so common for all of us - but certainly not a great place to be.  In this episode we talk about the 3 main reasons that cause us to feel like this  3 effective ways to implement to reverse this flawed way of thinking As I love books and giving you recommendations, I didn’t reference any in this particular episode.  But I’m always a voicemail or message away if you’re wanting a new read or listen! 😊 —------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and if you would please ...

Guest Episode with Jen Grosso: Master your Confidence: Mind, Body, Business and Soul

April 28, 2022 08:00 - 34 minutes - 23.8 MB

Jen Grosso is a business coach and confidence expert who blends high performance with resilience, wellbeing & strategy to create a life & business you love.  Her knowledge and energy is a gift and I can’t wait for you to hear her today! Connect with Jen: Instagram: Bold Fire Institute Join Jen's free community here. Find more of her information on my Website - HERE. ------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and if you would please leave a rating and review - that wou...

Podcast Mash-up: Fun, Q&A, Upcoming Interviews & 3 Questions for You

April 21, 2022 08:00 - 17 minutes - 12.2 MB

This is just a little different than my normal episodes - a few things in this episode: a quick funny story,  a few Q&As - one on books/feeling stuck and one on expectations,  what’s coming up on the podcast   3 questions for you to reflect on this week…xoxo Books Mentioned - some of my favs: The Slight Edge - by Jeff Olson Sparked - by Jonathan Fields - ( Free Sparketype quiz ) Girl Wash your Face - by Rachel Hollis Atomic Habits - by James Clear Tiny Habits - by BJ Fogg The Powe...

The Importance of Finding Happiness - Why we Need it and 16 Ways to Find More of it

April 14, 2022 08:00 - 16 minutes - 11.6 MB

Happiness isn’t just a “feel-good” idea - or a “nice to have” feeling.  There is so much more depth to it - so many studies have been done to prove how making efforts to create more happiness and positive emotions can positively affect you in so many areas of your life. In this episode we will talk about: WHY happiness is important and how it positively affects our health, performance and relationships 16 ways to create more happiness in your life Website Mentioned: The Greater Good in ...

My "Big Move" Story - Big Life Events: Emotions, Thyroid Talk and Adjusting to Change

April 07, 2022 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

I’d thought I’d share a little bit of my story - it was a tough patch in life and I learned so much.  I wanted to share things that helped me get through these times, as well as good lessons I learned, so that if you’re experiencing any bigger life event, they might help you move through it easier. In this episode we will talk about the 3 main lessons I learned through this period of my life: Lesson on Emotions Listening to our Body Adjusting to change - and the 4 things that helped me ...

Turn your Self-Doubt into Determination

March 31, 2022 08:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Self-doubt is very common for all of us at times, and it can really hinder us from doing what we need to do or WANT to do in life. In this episode we  talk about self-doubt and 5 ways how to  turn these negative thoughts or doubts in our minds into positive, powerful ones that will help you get into action, moving you closer to your goals. Expert / Story Mentioned: Tony Robbins - Focus story —------ Subscribe to You Can Do Amazing Things and if you would please leave a rating and review...

Lessons on Emotions, Our Focus and Energy from my Tony Robbins Experience

March 24, 2022 08:00 - 18 minutes - 12.9 MB

Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins was absolutely an amazing experience!  I learned so much - strategies and techniques for understanding ourselves better - what’s holding us back -  and how to achieve a beautiful life!  There was so much  - I wanted to give you a highlight of 3 areas which really struck me - I hope you find them to be as powerful and life-changing as I did. In this episode we will talk about: Emotions  Our Focus Energy Expert / Experience Mentioned: Tony Robbi...

Procrastination: How to Stop Putting Things Off

March 17, 2022 08:00 - 26 minutes - 18.3 MB

Procrastination - it’s something we all do, but we find ourselves asking why we do it because it always makes us feel worse afterwards. There are many reasons and causes for procrastinating, but understanding WHY we do it is just as important as discovering the strategies and steps how to overcome it. In this episode we will talk about: The WHY - why we procrastinate and a little bit about our brains 3 major types of procrastination 5 strategies to use to help overcome procrastination E...

What's your Passion or Purpose? And How to Find it if You Don't Know...

March 10, 2022 09:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

We all have so many gifts.  It is our job to find which one of those gifts we can relentlessly develop into something that lights our fire - helps us to connect to our true passion and find  purpose in this world.  In a Forbes article, Steve Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world for the better.”  And he also said that his passion for his work made all the difference.  How powerful and TRUE is that?!?! In this episode we will talk about: Finding your passion if you are m...

Why Improving our Mindset is a WIN-WIN

March 03, 2022 09:00 - 21 minutes - 14.7 MB

Improving our mindset affects us in so many ways - it positively shifts our outlook and how we view many situations.  There is so much research on how a growth mindset can create such a positive ripple effect in your life.  Doesn’t that sound awesome? How could we work on it?  Listen in… In this episode we will talk about: The 2 different mindsets 2 main ways to work on improving our mindset 3 ways to be keep in mind along this journey to help you stay the course Books Mentioned: Minds...

My Back Story: What Pain or Setbacks Can Teach Us - Part 1 (to be continued...)

February 24, 2022 09:00 - 16 minutes - 11.2 MB

Today I'm sharing a little bit of my story - about my back.  I never was a workout person until after our 1st daughter was born, and figured out that losing the baby weight (45 pounds!!) wasn't coming off by itself!  LOL   So, I started working out and exercising and continued with no problems for about 16 years.  And then the pain started - which was about 2 years ago and it's been quite the journey to now. In this episode I share this story, but also things that I have learned during the...

Progress: An Essential Key to Happiness

February 17, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes - 13 MB

Do you want to feel alive?  Listen in to this one! In this world, nothing ever stays the same. Things either grow or decay. The same goes for us as people. When we feel like we’re making progress, we feel great about ourselves. But when we aren't,  we might feel unhappy, restless or anxious. In this episode we will talk about: Why progress is important A little bit about how our brains are wired Our needs and the drivers of our progress 3 ways to be more intentional about making progre...

Expectations: 7 Ways to Manage Them and Feel Happier

February 10, 2022 09:00 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

Expectations are more often than not the reason we feel disappointment or anger about things, when in reality we have so much power to control and manage these expectations.  And in doing so, we have so much more control of our feelings.  Realizing and thinking about what expectations we might have of ourselves and of others is just as powerful an exercise as learning how to manage them. >>>Get the FREE DOWNLOAD - the list of the 7 Ways to Manage Expectations & Feel Happier HERE. Or go to:...

How to be More Disciplined

February 03, 2022 08:00 - 29 minutes - 20.2 MB

Chances are, you have dreamed about what your life would look like if you would 'JUST have more discipline.'  But why is it sometimes so difficult to have self-discipline?  In this episode we cover: Why discipline is like a muscle and what we need to do to build it 3 ways to build self-discipline Examples of these ways to relate to  Book Mentioned: Atomic Habits - by James Clear Also Mentioned: Tom Bilyeu (YouTube channel) is co-founder of Quest Nutrition and co-founder and host of I...

Get Unstuck!

January 27, 2022 06:00 - 23 minutes - 16.5 MB

Life is a journey...but being stuck is just a detour.  Sometimes you feel like there are no answers for how you feel and you don’t know what to do or which way to go.  If you have felt stuck lately and need a boost or some strategies on how to get unstuck - listen in! In this episode we will: Learn to recognize many reasons WHY we get stuck Identify 5 tactics to help you break through the barriers to get you into motion again There are so many books to recommend to help with this idea, b...

Hi & What to Expect from this Podcast

January 27, 2022 06:00 - 2 minutes - 1.98 MB

I just wanted to say hi and give you an idea of what's coming ahead in this podcast.  I soooo appreciate you listening in! Connect with me - I'd love it! DM me on Instagram @hollierumman  |  Leave me a voicemail >> Website 

How to be More Confident and Believe in Yourself

January 27, 2022 06:00 - 14 minutes - 10 MB

If you’re struggling with confidence and it’s holding you back from doing something you’re wanting to do for YOU - listen in! In this episode you’re going to learn 4 ways you can use to help build your confidence so you can lose that imposter syndrome for good!  ​​Internally, self-confidence leads to more positivity and happiness. But feeling confident doesn't just make you feel better, it allows you to step out of your comfort zone, begin taking risks and reaping the rewards of that action...

Introducing You Can Do Amazing Things with Hollie Rumman

October 29, 2021 02:00 - 2 minutes - 2.04 MB

You Can Do Amazing Things is a podcast that is going to bring you weekly inspiration, tips and knowledge to help you feel more confident and motivated to take action on making those dreams and goals happen!  We'll talk about mindset, confidence, habits, discipline, health and entrepreneurship - you will learn helpful tips and strategies, and hear stories from others that took action and pushed through what was holding them back, and accomplished their next AMAZING thing.   You're next - I'm ...