In this episode of Yoga Punx Unite I'm joined by Yoga for Punks co-founder and bassist of Teenage Bottlerocket, Miguel Chen.

Here's a peak at what we discuss:

We talk about how he came to yoga and what got him on that path.
How Yoga and Punk rock influenced his life.
The similarity of his connection with Yoga and Punk.
Similarities and differences between Yoga and Buddhist meditations and practices.
The idea behind his YouTube video, 'Is Yoga Punk?'


Find out more about their courses here.
Blossom Yoga
Teenage Bottlerocket
I wanna be well by Miguel Chen
The Death of You: A Book for Anyone Who Might Not Live Forever
🤘 Is Yoga Punk? A Dharma project for Blossom Yoga Teacher Training

Peace+Punk ✌️❤️🤘 Please don’t forget to subscribe! 

Note: I say 'the Underground Camden' and I mean, 'Underworld'.

Punks Unite Podcast used to be Yoga Punx Unite Podcast