If you're dragging yourself to the studio (or your workplace) and have a deep feeling that you might be "done" with teaching... This episode is for you.

In this quick, straight-to-the-point chat I dive into the sensitive topic of recognizing when it's time to make a change in your life, whether you're an indoor cycling instructor or anyone facing burnout and challenges.

I even get personal about the time I should have left a workplace sooner than I did, and how it's affected me since.

Whether you're an indoor cycling instructor OR someone who has a niggling feeling that it might be time to quit, this episode is for you.

Use code EARLYBIRD until August 9! 


The Big Leap by Gaye HendricksCrucial Conversations book

🎙️ Episode Highlights:

Recognizing Burnout: Are you just disinterested or truly done? Pay attention to how long you've been feeling this way and whether it's a consistent feeling of being over it.Physical and Mental Symptoms: Identify the physical and mental symptoms you experience, like migraines or chronic stress, as they can be indicators that it's time for a break.The Zone of Genius: We talk about how to recognize the difference between operating in your "zone of excellence" (where you excel but might not be fully passionate) and your "zone of genius" (where you feel aligned, energized, and creative).Toxic Work Environment: Toxicity can take a toll on your confidence and well-being for years to come- and one of the few situations where I recommend getting the F out as soon as humanly possible. Taking a Break: Sometimes, all you need is a break to recharge and get creatively inspired. Take time away from the usual routine to rediscover your passion.Reducing Your Schedule: A reduced schedule can be liberating and help you focus on your strengths and other side hustles that bring you joy.Positive Closure: Leave on a high note if you feel it's time to move on. Don't be afraid to take a hiatus; remember, you can always return.

Quitting or taking a break is not a sign of failure but a courageous step toward personal growth and self-care. Tune in to gain insights and discover the best path for you! 🎧🚴‍♀️

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