Have you ever been in a meeting where you’re physically there, but your mind is wandering off? You’re sitting there thinking what you’re going to have for lunch or what your schedule is for the rest of the day. In today’s Coffee with Shanda, she sits down with author, CEO, and productivity expert, Kristy Dickerson. They discuss how Kristy sets up her week by planning everything. From meals, doctor’s appointments, and business meetings, Kristy emphasizes that time is a valuable asset that we do not have much of. Tune in and learn more about how you can identify your peak, allocate that time, and organize your life!


“If you do something twice, you create a workflow for it.” - Kristy Dickerson


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In this Episode:


- Kristy’s business background


- Why she chooses to set up her week on Sunday nights


- Automate, Delegate and Outsource


- How to move past your fears


- Two lines of STARTplanners




- STARTplanner - https://startplanner.com/


Connect with Kristy Dickerson:


- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/KristyDickersonPage/


- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kristydickerson/


- Twitter – https://twitter.com/kristydickerson


- YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCbCMtqOQvKxQdOhRpfH6Q


- Website - https://kristydickerson.com/


Connect with Shanda:


- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HeartCoreBusiness/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARAOYqWIAlwV8ne7kb7WZmlJjSRfND-LdiWYWUV2yG6OZI6hRY6SKbTkgNbdtImhEKWT9xXiLNus97wP&hc_ref=ARQp8bfdea6vXcyQ0GzE0rw61WssuNPfkCEPulWNEApe8zmYNh177ofVSzVApn_a-Ks


- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shandasumpter/


- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0yb267FuHLdNfSL-2fPkA


- Website (HeartCore Business) - http://www.heartcorebusiness.com/

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