Having faith in something that we can’t touch, see or hear can sometimes be a struggle. In today’s Coffee with Shanda, she talks about how her faith has helped her in dealing with and growing her business. She also shares what she has learned over reading the scripture about how faith works in our daily lives and not just in our businesses and careers. Join her and find out how you can develop your faith!


“Pay attention to what’s happening.” - Shanda Sumpter


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In this Episode:


- How faith has played a part in her business career


- Do prayers really make a difference?


- What are we telling ourselves that’s holding us back?


- Shanda’s discoveries in business


- Why you should Google how scripture can help you with your problem


 Connect with Shanda:


- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/HeartCoreBusiness/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARAOYqWIAlwV8ne7kb7WZmlJjSRfND-LdiWYWUV2yG6OZI6hRY6SKbTkgNbdtImhEKWT9xXiLNus97wP&hc_ref=ARQp8bfdea6vXcyQ0GzE0rw61WssuNPfkCEPulWNEApe8zmYNh177ofVSzVApn_a-Ks


- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/shandasumpter/


- YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0yb267FuHLdNfSL-2fPkA


- Website (HeartCore Business) - http://www.heartcorebusiness.com/