Scott Trench is the CEO and President of BiggerPockets. Scott has Dedicated his Career to Helping ordinary Americans Build Wealth in Part through Real Estate Investing. Since joining BiggerPockets in 2014, Scott has Authored the Bestselling Wealth-building book “Set for Life” and joined Mindy Jensen as Co-host of the BiggerPockets Money Podcast.

In this episode we talked about:

Founding a tiny Startup called BiggerPockets Scott’s first real estate purchase Scott’s Professional Development The Evolution of Scott’s Investing Career 2014-2021 Partnerships Publishing with BiggerPockets Life as the CEO The Money Podcast 2021-2022 Outlook Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

Useful links:

Instagram @scott_trench


Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies gentlemen, welcome to working capital the real estate podcast. I'm Jennifer galley and my special guest today. As usual as Scott trench, Scott trench is the CEO and president of bigger pockets. 


Scott has dedicated his career to helping ordinary Americans build wealth in part through real estate investing. Since joining BiggerPockets in 2014, Scott has authored the bestselling wealth building book set for life and joined Mindy Jensen as cohost of the bigger pockets, money podcast, Scott, how's it going? Hey, 


Scott (52s): It's going great. Thanks for having me. 


Jesse (54s): Yeah, my pleasure to have you good to finally connect. I don't know if, if you were at BP con last, was it now two years ago when we were in Austin, Texas, where are you at that event? 


Scott (1m 5s): I was at, well, I, I w we had one in Nashville, Tennessee. That was that. Yeah, it was, I was at that one 


Jesse (1m 11s): Nashville. Now I'm mixing them up. I was in Austin for another real estate thing. Yeah, absolutely. It was a national first thing I did. I got off the plane. Just see you guy holding a guitar. I'm like, I'm in Nashville. 


Scott (1m 21s): Yeah. I went to school there and it's a wonderful city, you know, maybe might've influenced that as the choice for the, the conference back then, but awesome. 


Jesse (1m 30s): So, yeah, I guess I probably would have crossed paths with you at that point, but I didn't realize that you were with the organization for, for such a long time in 2014. So back then, how did, how did you get your start with, with that organization? 


Scott (1m 45s): Yeah, so I joined BiggerPockets, well, I started my career as a financial analyst at a fortune 500 company, and immediately decided I wanted to become financially free rather than climb the corporate ladder. And so I found a company called BiggerPockets and their podcasts and started listening to it and thinking about real estate investing and early retirement, the fire movements. And so I kind of combined the two spent as little as I possibly could and bought a house hack one year out of college after saving up my, my funds and simultaneously, you know, I st