Bader Elkhatib is a Vice President at CentreCourt. Prior to joining CentreCourt, Bader worked as an Investment Associate for Tricon Capital Group, a Real Estate Private Equity firm, and prior to that he worked as an Analyst in Investment Banking at CIBC Capital Markets.

In this episode we talked about:

Bader`s background
Bader`s first Real Estate deal
The Transition from Tricorn Capital Group to CentreCourt
Bader’s Investment Philosophy
Land Assembly
Real Estate Development
Replacement of Rental Housing
2021-2022 Real Estate Prospectives and Opportunities
Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned


Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to working capital my name's Jesse for galleon today, I have better Elica deed. He is vice president at center court. Prior to joining center court batter worked as an investment associate for Tricon capital group, a real estate, private equity firm. 


And prior to that, he worked as an analyst and investment banking at CIVC capital markets. And today we're talking all things, acquisition, all things development better. How's it going? 


Bader (47s): No complaints. It's a 38 degrees outside and then my basement is good. 


Jesse (52s): Yeah, I was going to say, I just, I totally forgot today. We have Italy versus Spain. Hopefully by the time I'm listening to this, we have one and have advanced to the finals, but yeah, it's, it is quite hot in, in Toronto. Right now. It is close to 40 or feels like 40. 


Bader (1m 9s): Well, I'm sorry to keep you on the, on the line in that. How have you known him? He was playing Spain. I think we would have moved the call. 


Jesse (1m 15s): No sweat. I'm one eye is looking to the, to the screen here, but no, thank you so much for coming on. Really appreciate you taking the time. I thought listeners would get a lot out of somebody from your background in real estate. And talk a little bit about development, how, you know, center court, underwrites assets, and just kind of your general path in, in the real estate industry. So on that note, maybe where we could start is a little bit about your background. 


I mentioned Tricon CIVC for listeners. Give a little bit of a background and how you got into this, this world of real estate. 


Bader (1m 54s): Yeah, so it's, I mean, pretty interesting story. I guess I, my graduated, I thought I was going to be in the tech space. I thoug