James Scott is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Advisor, Author and General Partner partner at Bar Down Investments, focused on buying and repositioning Large Multifamily Properties. In the past two years James Scott bough, built, sold, rehabbed, lent on and held over 70 millions in Property all around the country. James holds Advisor Roles in several companies and is the Author of BiggerPockets books, including "The Book on Flipping Houses"

In this episode we talked about:

James’s background
How James got interested in real estate
First 20 Million Dollar Deal
Deal size and the management ‘sweet spot’
Market Rates and Valuation
Scaling a Portfolio
Property Management
2021/2022 Opportunities
Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

Useful links:


Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to working capital the real estate podcast. I've a special guest as usual. His name is Jay Scott. He's an entrepreneur investor advisor, author and partner at bar down investments focused on buying and repositioning large multi-family properties. 


In the past 12 years, Jay has bought built rehab sold, lent on and held over 70 million in property all around the country. Jay holds advisory roles in several companies and is the author of bigger pockets book on real estate investing, including the best selling the book on flipping houses. Find out more about Jay we'll put it in the show notes, connect with jake.com. Jay. Great, great. Thanks Jesse. I appreciate you having me here. Absolutely. You just mentioned that you're basking in the sun and Sarasota or not so much, 


James (1m 8s): Not so much. Normally we'd be basking in the sun, but I'm in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm. So if anybody hears some loud crashes in the back, you'll know why. Yeah. Eric 


Jesse (1m 17s): Just saying we'll have to mute, unmute the mic. Well, Jay, thanks so much for coming on. Really happy to be able to spend the next little while with you. We were both. I saw you on the list for the BP con or bigger pockets con conference. For those that don't know, 2021 is on in new Orleans and you're going to be a, a speaker. I 


James (1m 36s): Am, I actually, I spoke back at the original bigger pockets conference back in 2012. Most people probably don't even remember that there was a bigger pockets conference back then. It was a small little thing that Josh dork and the founder put together. And then since then I've written four books for, for BiggerPockets and, and I'm an advisor for the company. And I'm