WELL…COME Back to Women Sipping On Life.

Today we’re talking about, Creating Your Rich Me Story of Truth.

What would that look like for you?

Are you ready to begin to create your rich me story of truth? 

I’ve discovered 7 Truths along my journey that have helped me (and my clients) develop a rich story of truth. I’ve shared them in my book, Date Yourself Well…The 12 Best-selling Engagements of Becoming The Great Lover of Your Life.) 

DISCLAIMER: I’m not promising or guaranteeing that uncovering and believing these truths will put millions of dollars in your bank account, (Nope. It’s not a get rich quick scheme. But… 

Richness and WELLTH in every area of your life and life’s work are a mindset that’s powerful, wealthy, and rich.

*Truth #1: You don’t need fixing. (And neither does your relationship status.) 

Discover who YOU are, and BE HER. 

Stop trying to fix yourself, and make yourself better. Instead, FIND YOU and YOUR TRUTH.

Develop and nurture yourself to create your own RICH ME story of truth. 

Loving yourself, dating yourself, and becoming the great lover of your life begins with YOU. 

Truth never goes out of style.

Truth is the most incredible design of all.

How you see the truth may go out of style, but knowledge of it does not. 

STOP trying to fix yourself. You DON’T need fixing. 

And STOP trying to FIX everyone around you! 

It will wear you out. 

Start standing in your truth. 

We all need some FINDING. We must discover the truth so we can FIND OURSELVES. 

STOP telling your poor me story, and start creating your rich me story of truth. 

Even if it feels a little uncomfortable at first, you’ll find your power, certainty, clarity, and strength. 

You will find yourself in the place of TRUTH.

*TRUTH #2: When you’re willing to take care of you, you will be taken care of.

If you’re looking for someone else to take care of you, but YOU’RE NOT taking care of you, then you won’t be able to receive the care that’s coming your way from others.

Am I making myself clear? 

Are you give…give…giving, yet NOT receiving?

Give and you shall receive. If you’re not receiving, then you’re attempting to disrupt a universal (spiritual) law. It’s not going to work real well. 

So, (if that’s you,) how’s it working for YOU?” 

The stories we tell ourselves, keep us in our stories. 

What sign (label) are you carrying?

When…and what will it take…to get you willing to create a new story?

People have gone before us to open up opportunities for you and me.

Are you stepping into your opportunities, as well as creating them? 

Education is powerful.

But knowing that YOU are powerful is even MORE powerful. 

I meet, and coach, people every day that are highly educated, but still have NOT completely owned the TRUTH that they’re ENOUGH. 


Perhaps this is YOU… 

Do you know that YOU are enough?

Are you wearing a label that says you’re not enough?

So today’s the day! It’s YOUR day to start creating your rich me story of truth. 

Begin to live it.

Begin to tell it.

Begin to believe it. 

Continue to desire to become and be all that you are. (The TRUTH about who you are.)


More than enough.

+TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP (A.K.A. Your S.O.L. D.A.T.E. - Daily Action To Engage with yourself):

Grab your journal. Where are you trying to fix yourself or your relationship status? Are you willing to take a step today to FIND and start creating your RICH ME STORY OF TRUTH? TAKE A STEP. TAKE A SIP.


Thanks for being here.

I’d love to hear from you. Come on over to WomenSippingOnLife.com.

This is Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to know, and hearts that want to grow so you can love YOU, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR LIFE’S WORK WELL. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

xo Dr. Shannon

P.S. A special thanks to the following souls that helped make this podcast possible:

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)

Women Sipping. On. Life. with doctor shannon is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LIVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life. ONE SIP AT A TIME.