Women Sipping. On. Life. with doctor shannon is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LIVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life. ONE SIP AT A TIME.



This is Dr. Shannon. Founder of womensippingonlife.com and author of The Bestselling 12 Engagements of Becoming The Great Llover of Your life…Date Yourself Well.

WELL…Come to today’s episode of Women Sipping On Life.

Today we’re talking about this: Your “Poor Me Story” Will Keep You Poor.

After sharing more of my personal soul story with you, as you can see…I too, had a “Poor Me Story.”

Poor isn’t only financially, but “poor in spirit”.

It wasn’t until I began to tell a different story that I began writing and living one.

Today’s the day to begin to write your “Rich Me Story” of Truth.

“Rich” is being truly WELLTHY from within. I wrote a book many years ago called, Dr. Shannon Knows…The 12 Steps of WELLTHY People: How to Make Healthy Your Habit.

Our habits are a matter of heart. Our heart affects our habits. It’s responsible for everything that comes from our lives.

The Word says that, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

It also says, “Guard your heart, because out of it flow the issues of life.”

If there is a life issue, it’s a heart issue.

Are your habits serving you and the greater good, or not?

What I’ve found is that if there’s an issue of lack in any area of life, it’s typically due to a TRUST issue.

In the U.S. it says, “In God We Trust” on our money.

If we set up a will, there’s a trust involved.

The word “Trust” has to do with money.

It also has to do with the word, “safety” or feeling safe.

We feel safe when we have a certain amount of trust.

Where do we put our money?

In a trust or a safe.

If you have lack in any area of your life, including money, it’s typically a trust issue.

What I discovered was that I was telling a “Poor Me Story,” because I didn’t trust myself.

If you don’t plug yourself into the equation of TRUST…it becomes a huge problem.

Trust God first. Trust yourself second. Trust others after that. Otherwise you’ll trust the WRONG PEOPLE!

Have you ever done that? Or am I the only one who has trusted people who were not worthy of my trust?

You’re not alone.

But now that you’ve become aware of it, you can begin to build a trustworthy relationship with yourself.

The day that I decided to stop telling my “Poor Me Story” was the day I committed to building a trustworthy relationship with myself. And I committed to creating, telling, and writing a different story for my life.

I began to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 

Seeing all sides of the truth. Not just one side of the truth. 

Facts are facts, but they aren’t necessarily the whole truth. 

No matter what you’re going through right now, what you’ve been through, or where you’re headed, there are facts in your life. But these facts aren’t necessarily the WHOLE TRUTH.

Can you agree with me on this? 

The meaning we choose to give these “FACTS” is what matters most. 

What meaning are you giving to the facts that you’ve experienced in your life?

The old saying is true, “There are two sides to every story!”

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten was this: “If it can’t be interpreted at least two different ways, it’s probably NOT TRUE.”

So I began to look at my “Poor Me Story” from a different perspective. Sometimes even the exact opposite!

Not unlike George Costanza from Seinfeld. (For all the Seinfeld lovers out there, like myself.)

If whatever you’re doing is NOT working, perhaps doing the opposite will work?

Allowing yourself to see things in more than one way, will allow you to get more than one result.

A different way of seeing. Believing. Being.

TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP (AKA: Sacred S.O.L. D.A.T.E. with yourself - Sipping On Life Daily Action To Engage - with yourself) is this:

Grab your journal. Ask yourself: Where am I telling a “Poor Me Story?” Where is my “Poor Me Story” keeping me poor? Write it out. How’s it working for you? Are you willing to tell a New Story? Write out a new “Rich Me Story.”

Thanks for being here, dear soul! 

This is Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

I would LOVE to hear from you! 

Please go on over to iTunes or Stitcher and give us a review and rating. And please invite others to share in this journey with us.

For more information you can visit www.womensippingonlife.com. 

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch my WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast…

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com)

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com)

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)