How’s it going? 

Are you beginning to master the art of sipping on your life? 

One sip at a time.

Because, let’s face it, why gulp it down and choke on this thing called life? Why drown on it when you can sip on it?

It’s a daily practice. 

In this practice of daily sipping on life you’ll redefine S.O.L….

It’s the beginning of the S.O.L.UTION. 

As you begin to sip on life, you’ll begin to uncover and discover the solutions to whatever problem you have in your life. 

So today we’re talking about this: BURNED BY LOVE? 

It’s a huge problem on planet earth. 

At one point in all of our lives, we may feel like we’ve been burned by love.

Unfortunately, after being burned by love, we may feel like never actually going back out into the sun (metaphorically) and facing the sunshine again. 

Instead, we stay in that deep, dark place, trying to protect our hearts and ourselves.

What we’re doing is hiding. When we do this, we’re never able to fully sip on life. 

Perhaps you felt burned by love too. Or you feel burned out on life or burned by it.

Today’s the day to stop being a victim, my friend.

Dear Soul, today’s the day to take a look at where you’ve been burned by love.

Do you look like an Avatar?

What “the bleep” is an Avatar? 

This is what I’ve learned.

If you’ve been burned by love or feel burned out by life, YOU are my Avatar. 

The good news is, I’ve been where you are. I know how it feels.

There’s got to be something MORE…and there is!!

When I began to ask myself the question, “Is this all there is?”…my life was seemingly good (or great), but it wasn’t super fulfilling. I wondered, “Is this what it means to be an adult?”

Is this all there is? It scared me a little bit.

I didn’t want to simply go through the motions of, “Okay, this is life.” 

I was lacking adventure and that creative energy…that TRUE SIPPING ON LIFE EXPERIENCE.

Then I had an AHA moment…it doesn’t HAVE to be that way.

Some of the TRUTHS I’ve experienced along the way have taught me, in fact, that it does NOT.

Today I share TRUTH #3 from my book, Date Yourself Well…The Best-selling 12 Engagements of Becoming The Great Lover of Your Life.

This will help you if you’ve ever felt burned by love or felt burned out on life.

TRUTH #3: You don’t need to get what you want to be happy. Knowing what you desire will inspire happiness.


Getting CLEAR about what you desire in your love…life is the key!

If you’re expecting your life, or those in it, to give you what you want to be happy…you’ll wait a long time 

When you tap into the KNOWING of what you DESIRE, it inspires happiness. It also gives you the energy to CREATE IT.

If you can KNOW what you DESIRE and GET CLEAR about it, then it will INSPIRE your happiness, health, life, love, love…life.

How does that sound?

“Burned by love” is life happening TO US. 

But when we begin to give ourselves sacred space to dream and creatively imagine an inspiring life, we can not only live it, but also co-create it with God. 

(That’s life happening THROUGH US.) 

Then we can invite others into our lives to live this life of LOVE with us.


I believe it can do the same for you.

It’s time to heal up from the BURN (whatever that is for you.) 

It’s time to take some time and begin to think about what YOU DESIRE for YOUR LIFE. 

TODAY’S SACRED S.O.L. STEP (aka S.O.L. D.A.T.E. - Daily Action To Engage with yourself) is this:

Grab your journal. Take 5-15 minutes to allow yourself to big to dream about what you’d like to see manifest in your life. What are the desires of your heart? (Allow your heart to lead you.)


If we ignore our desires, or put them on the back burner, it will leave us WANTING. 

If you continue in a state of WANTING, you’ll continue to be in a state of NEED. 

Because when you WANT, it will leave you WANTING.

But when you DESIRE, you tap into that incredible SACRED SPACE OF HOPE and INSPIRATION to actually create what it is that you desire. As well as that KNOWING that INSPIRES HAPPINESS, like no other. 

Please take this STEP today. 

I’d love to hear from you! Come over to the website: www.WomenSippingOnLife.com. 

Let me know if this message is resonating with your heart and soul. 

YOU are a beautiful AVATAR and incredible SOUL! 

You are ready to sip on life and create the S.O.L.UTIONS by tapping into YOUR DESIRES. 

You have one life to live.

Your adventure is calling…the only thing missing is you. 

It’s time for you to step up and show up. 

Thanks again for being here! 

I love and appreciate you! 

xo This is Dr. Shannon. Inspiring minds that want to grow and hearts that want to know, so you can love you, your life, and your life’s work well. ONE SIP AT A TIME.

A special thanks to the following souls for helping me launch my WOMEN SIPPING ON LIFE podcast… 

Intro/Outro done by Uni V. SOL

Outro music by Jay Man: Mind Over Matter (www.ourmusicbox.com)

Podcast cover design and web site done by: Pablo Aguilar (www.webdesigncreator.com) 

Podcast cover photo by Kate Montague of KM Captured (www.kmcaptured.com)

Women Sipping. On. Life. with doctor shannon is YOUR daily podcast for something new. Different. Satisfying. Soul quenching. Unscripted. LIVE. Practical Solutions. Powerful coaching that equips and empowers you to show up. Speak up. Step up. Step into your life. Fully engaged. Loving your life + life’s work well. Starting from the very first sip. Uncover and discover your TRUTH, so you can drink it all in. Live it all now. Naked. Unafraid. Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unconditionally loved. Heart + Soul. Become the great lover of your life. ONE SIP AT A TIME.