So here's the deal-while marketing and your family may make you feel as though you and your life are flawed, what would happen if you picked up the cards you were dealt and played them? Meaning, instead of apologizing for how sensitive you are or how you don't like certain people, you simply allowed yourself to be as you are and went forth into life as such?

Too often we censor and distort ourself in order to fit in, to get the approval of others. Yes, we all need community and we all are diamonds in the rough who benefit from our relationships, but how we do so is critical. Seeking to be as everyone else means you deprive yourself and others of just what you were born to bring to others, to the game we call life.

Join me as I share how trying to be different from who you are to be something better, actually keeps you from being just who the world and your community needs. Even spirituality is being marketed in ways which homogenize the most intimate and sovereign of all relationships-the one with your unique soul and lifetime. Learn how playing the cards life has dealt you, that life needs you to play just as you are, is what will bring you more of what you seek. Not so trying to be as others want you to be for all beings are meant to bloom exactly as they are.