We live in a time when information is abundant as to how to be happy. Even the US Declaration of Independence offers "unalienable right" to happiness as guaranteed by it's government. And yet happiness can be elusive, as realized by any measure of today's level of happiness in the human race. So what gives?

Happiness lies in being congruent with your soul's purpose and your own sovereignty. Yet we have been taught our soul is for matters not earthly and to fit in with the crowd keeps you safe and normal. And therein lies the rub-claiming your happiness, your right to happiness, will require you get uncomfortable, take risks, and be true to yourself first.

Join me as I share wisdom from around the world on happiness and how to realize more of it in your life and in your relationships. Too many women settle for complaining about their unhappiness and blaming others for it as well. Tune in and learn how to avoid the trap I experience far too many women making in choosing their fears as more powerful than the grit and the grace they come endowed with as women.