Anger gets a bad rap, especially so for women whose anger may subject them to being called "a bitch, witch, negative"  or worse. By not giving yourself permisssion to feel and consciously engage your anger, you dismiss or suppress an energy critical to your well-being and transforming your life. Anger-as with all forms of energy-has a range from hot to cold, and while hot anger gets most of the press, cold anger is no slouch when it comes to being destructive when not befriended. 

Anger is an energy all women will benefit from having a relationship with, for women's history with men has left scars and historical rage, which needs healing for realizing happier relationships with men. Without honoring the anger from our past and transforming it into compassion, peace in our future will not be possible.

Join me for an episode certain to be provocative!  Sign up for my enewsletter to read my article on inviting your anger to tea at