Today's headlines make it pretty clear love is in critically short supply these days, or at the very least, spread too thin. But what would you say if I told you that it's really self-love which is truly lacking? Yes, self-love, for self-love is the foundation of authentic love for another and for the ability to extend love to others. But what exactly is self-love? It's not what you think and why I feel it's important to spend some time talking about it.

Self-love is not only loving yourself and caring for yourself. Self love is also the understanding and living of compassion as the most powerful choice one can make. Compassion does not mean letting people treat you badly nor does compassion mean you put up with BS. Self-love is the choice to view and live the knowledge that in the end, love is the only choice which creates healing and making a difference which last.

Join me as I share with you how embracing more love for yourself is the most powerful choice you can make for creating more love for our world under seige. And how selfish is exactly what you need to be more of!