Life is challenging and life can be overwhelming, so who's got the time or the energy to do or give more? What if I told you that despite what you might believe, life gets better when you choose "being +1". Just what the heck do I mean by that?

When you choose to live your life with being +1, you choose to offer yourself as the inspiration, the joy, the smile someone needs that day. Being +1 means committing to a little bit more kindness, a little bit more courtesy, a little bit more compassion you bring through your actions and choices in life each day. Choosing to live as the positive experience that someone you meet, you intereact with, you don't even know may really need that day. 

Join me as I share more on how choosing to live as +1 may be the easiest way you have in your power every day to change the world, to bring about the peace we all seek within and around ourselves and our world.