We are taught that if we have it together, life-and people-will go the way we want it to be. Hah! As the expression goes, "if you want to make God laugh, make your plans as if you're in control"! Life is an adventure, life is a journey, and life is not about what we want to control.

When life reminds you that you are not in control, don't despair, get curious! I know....easier said than done but the truth is, control is not the purpose of life. Your adventures, your dreams, sharing your presence are the purpose of lifle and to realize these, curiousity if a much better friend to you than is despair at your lack of control over life and people.

Join me and learn how to embrace more curiousity about your life and experiences and to let go of feeling you must be in control. Learn about how embracing responsibility is not the same as control and how doing so will make you much more happy than the false belief in control's power will ever make you!