Parenting is challenging regardless of the year.  This past year has made it even more challenging seeing that parents need to not only parent but also be the educators.

How can we raise critical thinkers, support their strong leadership characteristics while still instilling kindness in them?

Sue touches on how to handle tough situations like:

tantrumshitting talking about body image (better yet how to not talk about it)

This episode is a must listen to for EVERYONE, not just parents!

Sue has a book called: Parenting With Sanity and Joy: 101 Simple Strategies. 
Her book is an easy-to-read, pick-up-every-now-and-and-then reference that will help moms and dads look at parenting in a different light. The book distills all the best parenting wisdom by providing simple, non-judgmental, fun, and effective guidance.

Sue Groner is engaging, energetic, and excited to share her tips to help fellow parents. She’s the founder of the CLEARR™ method: Communication, Love, Empathy, Awareness, Rules, and Respect.

As The Parenting Mentor, she is the ultimate ally to parents on their journey to raise confident and resilient children.