Back in 2011 Drew wanted to have a better understanding of what his personal training clients were going through when they were switching from the standard american diet to a healthier lifestyle.  

So he spent 6 months gaining weight; by eating processed foods and not exercising.  The next 6 months were spend losing the weight and eating healthy again.  Boy was he surprised with the struggle of switching back to eating healthy again. This lead Drew to becoming more empathetic with those wanting to lose weight and become healthy… as the struggle is real.

Drew is yet again gaining the weight to yet again lose it all.  But this time he is really focusing on the mental, emotional piece associated with becoming healthy and losing weight.  

In this interview Drew dives into how gaining weight from being inactive and eating highly processed foods is effecting his overall health:

energymoodbreathingmotivationsleepsex life… just to name a few.

This is definitely an episode EVERYONE needs to listen to as we can all be more empathetic to those wanting to become healthier.  

Drew also brings to light the mental, emotional and physical struggles the Standard American Diet has on an individual.

To follow Drew journey on gaining weight and then losing it come Jan 4th follow him at:


Facebook: Fit2Fat2Fit

Drew Manning is the NY Times Best Selling Author of the book, Fit2Fat2Fit and is best known for his experiment that went viral online. He's been featured on shows like Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, The View and many more. His experiment has become a hit TV show, called Fit to Fat to Fit, airing on A&E & Lifetime. His new book Complete Keto is available now!