It’s the end of another year with the holidays upon us. Prices are going up faster than Superman can leap off a tall building and that makes the topic of how to survive inflationary times especially relevant. Over the last twelve months, all items in the consumer price index (CPI) increased 8.2 percent. This number is an average, with some items doubling or even tripling in cost.

Increases in food, medical care and shelter costs were the largest increases in the CPI. These are basic items of expense that affect every person and family. You may not think people are suffering from the number of tables still full at your corner restaurant or people at the shopping mall. But the rising debt will be biting at your heel all too soon. I’ve noticed the cost of chicken has tripled. Most of us are looking to at least make smart choices as we face another year. Here, we give you some ideas that will hopefully help you as you plan how to survive inflation. Full article here: