The phrase Just Do It is associated with the sport brand Nike and was coined in 1988 at an advertising agency meeting. One of the founders, Dan Weiden, credits the slogan to Gary Gilmore’s last words, Let’s do it. Those words weren’t associated with inspiration or athletics. They were Gary’s last words before being executed for murder in 1977. But as people often forget details, the words were revived in a totally different way that was a brilliant marketing move.

The popularity of the phrase along with the Nike swoosh appears all over the world and the look of the symbol is as powerful as the look of the athletes in the ads. Apparently, the creatives questioned if Just Do It was even needed for the brand. But they tried it and the response was overwhelmingly positive. If you’re looking for a little inspiration, watch one of the first commercials with eighty year-old Walt Stack on YouTube.

But how does Just Do It relate to ordinary you and I, most who are not professional athletes? We may not even wear Nike products. I feel the meaning of the slogan is so very powerful and relevant in moving us forward in our lives and businesses. We can obtain facts and figures, a wealth of knowledge and even have outlined goals in place. But unless we apply Just Do It, nothing will move forward in our lives. For inspiration in applying the slogan, I have some tips here for you. Full article here: