As I write this, we are in the middle of the first round of Grammy Award® voting and the amount of current work artists put out is truly admirable. These are a group of independents and creatives that just can’t help but create additional innovative product. However, I don’t always see that type of new work from people in other fields.

I see post after post about past accomplishments, degrees and accolades. To be fair, some musicians also depend on their past work. I call them has-beens. Sure, I’ve written before about the fact that there’s not a lot of completely new information or ideas, excepting the medical field of course. Many of the new songs and even books are built upon an idea or progression that has already been shared. Many pop songs, such as Elton John’s, uses the same progression of I, IV, V and vi. If that’s Greek to you, just think it’s four chords. But the four chords work!

Many innovators are not always popular in their current lifetime. Composers are good examples of this, such as Saint- Saéns who wrote the brilliant Carnival of the Animals and Samson and Delilah. I will list a few of the benefits of putting out current work. Current work, at most any stage of life, keeps the mind sharp, provides new promotional opportunities and provides fresh goals. Full article here: