Hey Samual Jackson! We have no problem going to sleep. It's staying asleep that we struggle with. In fact, sleep is one of the most common problems women experience with perimenopause. A lack of sleep triggers a series of other issues like stress, anxiety, fatigue amongst other things. How's a gal supposed to function? 

We figure helping you sleep is a great way to kick of Season 3 of the podcast.

In this episode we’re talking to Kerry Roberts, RPh, BSc. (Hons) Pharm, NCMP (NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner) Brant Arts, IDA Pharmacy. Kerry works with women going through the transition and helps them to understand their bodies and learn more about their options. Because there are options – plenty of them!  Not only do we explore the options, but Kerry also gives us some interesting and scary advice about pharmaceutical sleep aids. Everyone should know this, and we’re shocked that we’ve never heard this before. 

So tune in!