In this episode we’re excited to introduce our new resident expert – Andrea Walsh, MD! Andrea is a huge advocate for women and women’s health and she shares her experience and information supported by date from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

We’ve saved up a lot of questions for Andrea so grab a glass of wine, whip of your bra and have a listen while we talk about the basics of perimenopause, the difference between peri and menopause and why you need to listen to your body and be aware of any red flags during this period.

It turns out an hour just isn’t long enough for this type of discussion so Andrea will be joining us regularly to talk about many of the loose threads we couldn’t get to in one episode. We’re excited to hear more and we’re going to take some of the information she’s given us during this episode to heart. Spoiler alert – your hand mirror is going to come in handy for this episode!

Tune in!