I have had such a great time with this podcast and I have met so many wonderful experts and women in the cannabis industry who shared their time, wisdom and sometimes even their weed with me.

I started this podcast because I wanted to learn about the benefits of cannabis - you see, I was a bit of a chicken. I'm not saying I'm now a seasoned pro but thanks to the generous contribution of their time and talent, amazing women like Irie Selkirk, Alison Gordon, Tabitha Fritz and many more have helped me learn about the world of weed and I was so happy to take you on the journey with me. But now we're past the Weed 101 stage and you have access to so much great information out there. I felt it was time to say good bye to cannabis as the starring role in this podcast.

The one amazing thing that came from all of this was the great feedback in the form of questions and comments from listeners. Through that, I discovered there was a really big interest in how cannabis can treat hormone imbalance, perimenopause and menopause. And even further -women just want to learn, as with cannabis, what it's all about.

So please don't leave! Myself along with my podcast partner Ramona will still be continuing the podcast but instead of the focus being on cannabis - the focus is now on life 'North of 40". Through our new company "She 2.0" we'll bring you all the tips, resources and invaluable information you need to know through the same informational format of interviews with both experts who have a ton of amazing information to help you through this next phase, but also with real women and their real stories.

So what can you hope to learn? That menopause does NOT have to suck. So please stay tuned! Our first new She 2.0 'Life North of 40" is only days away on our regular Thursdays.

Stay tuned and enjoy this last episode of Wine, women & weed - the dope on dope.