I’ve spent more than a DECADE feeling upset about my university degree.

I felt like a FAILURE because I didn’t think the grade was good enough.
That grade - to my mind - was too AVERAGE. Actually. BELOW average.


What I did…

-- Took every degree and diploma going to try and make up for it - DIDN’T WORK

-- Became an accountant to prove I was academic AF - DIDN’T WORK

-- Continually reminded myself of it, so that I never did worse than I hoped again - DIDN’T WORK

-- Told myself I was useless and stupid - DIDN’T WORK

It took me nearly THIRTEEN YEARS to realise that those things hadn’t worked - and that I could try to THINK DIFFERENTLY! Mind. Blown. 🤯

I came at it from a different angle: I asked a simple question.
WHAT DID GETTING A 2.2 (like a US GPA 4.0 or so) TEACH ME?

Thus far, it had taught me nothing except berating myself wasn’t helpful.
But I thought harder… And I realised that everything we go through is a learning point.

Not doing as well as I hoped on that degree taught me…

++ Things don’t always go as we want

++ We do not die from things not going as we’d like

++  People still love us, regardless of our degree (I got married to someone I met after I got my 2.2 - imagine that!)

++ A 2.2 degree doesn’t ruin your job chances (no matter how ‘too academic’ the job you eventually get is…!)

I can tell you - it’s FREEING to realise that we get to investigate what we can learn from all the events we go through.

In this podcast, you'll hear all about how you can turn the bad feelings into good ones!