When a baby is born, everyone rushes to hold the baby. But who is holding the Mother? This is the big question which Amy Taylor-Kabbaz is advocating to be resolved. Amy's work centres Matrescense, the becoming of a Mother, which happens slowly, almost invisibly to others, but felt deeply by the woman. This rich, deep, powerful conversation bought Amy and I together on something we feel so strongly about: that rites of passages must be honoured in modern cultures to ensure the wellbeing of all - especially the Feminine. Join us to hear more about what Matrescence is and where it originated, how we experience an Inner Split as our identities, perspectives and whole self irreversibly changes in Matrescence, how our careers, roles and value changes in Motherhood, and what we can collectively do to reclaim and honour The Mother. 


Connect with Amy Taylor Kabbaz

Find all Amy's links and details in the full show notes


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Big love,
Charlotte xxx