Welcome to Season 3!! I'm back for a juicy new season where we're deepening into cycle awareness, exploring rites of passages, womb wisdom, and reclaiming our wild femininity.

Join me in this Season intro where I share more about what's to come, and how you can shape this podcast, plus, I guide you in an embodiment process and talk about the significance of the Equinox, called Ostara in the Celtic Wheel of the Year (southern hemisphere).

Ostara is linked to big Maiden energy, and I'm sharing how she might show up for you, where, and how you can honour this point of the cycle.

Read the full show notes at https://charlottepointeaux.com/honouring-ostara-in-the-celtic-wheel-of-the-year

I love love receiving your DMs about what you take from these episodes, and love it when you share on your Stories too. Tag me at @charlotte.pointeaux.coach!

Want to take your womb practice deeper? Check out my courses, blog or subscribe for my free guide to your cycle at www.charlottepointeaux.com

Love Charlotte xxx

Thank you for listening, it means such a lot to receive your ratings, reviews, and stories of how this podcast supports you. To support me to keep making this podcast please consider sharing on IG and tagging me @charlotte.pointeaux.coach, sharing this podcast with your cycle and biz besties, and subscribing to the show!

Ready for more? Deepen with me:

Take the FREE QUIZ to discover your Cyclical Leadership style! Get access to my free cycle wisdom library featuring cycle charts, rituals, cycle-syncing, womb meditations and seasonal playlists Work with me: including 1:1 coaching, my Wild Flow Coven online membership, courses and in-person events Discover the brand new upcoming Cyclical Business Mastermind and join the waitlist

Big love,
Charlotte xxx