Acceptance does not necessarily mean approval or permission but rather a willingness to face reality and find a way to move forward. Inner conflict can arise when we struggle to accept something against our beliefs or values. In this episode, we talk about finding a middle ground, which means finding a way to honor our feelings while also accepting the reality of the situation. Ultimately, acceptance is about acknowledging the truth of a situation without losing sight of our own values and boundaries. Holding the duality of acceptance and resistance can be a difficult but necessary practice in finding peace and understanding. Seeing things at face value is just the beginning of a deeper journey towards true acceptance.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#256 | What to Do When Others Let You Down -
#262 | How Much is Actually Your Responsibility? -

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Show notes:
(3:06) Acceptance vs. permission
(7:21) Acceptance doesn't mean it's okay
(11:44) Finding a middle ground
(16:01) Kayleigh talks about the supportive and caring environment within the Evolve Ventures team
(16:36) Emilia shares a client's experience
(23:10) It is not submission
(26:01) Ability to hold the duality
(30:00) See things at face value
(34:12) Outro

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(Stay tuned for this coming Monday's episode!)