As the calendar flips to a new year, countless individuals find themselves poised to tackle their goals with renewed vigor. However, the trajectory from intention to transformation is seldom a straight line. In this episode, we discuss how shifting focus from ambitious, daunting goals to manageable, incremental changes can significantly enhance the likelihood of success. We also talk about the power of celebrating small achievements. It's about positive reinforcement and building confidence through small successes. Doing so can build momentum and turn those baby steps into giant leaps. Maintaining motivation is about sustaining belief, especially when faced with setbacks or slow progress. By focusing on small, incremental changes, being reliable to ourselves, and celebrating every victory along the way, we can unlock persistent change and embrace growth that is not just fleeting but steadfast.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#254 | Do Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words? -
#252 | Are You Tuning Into Your Inner Dialogue? - 


Connect with Emilia, Bianca & the EVOLVE VENTURES Community:

Website: Instagram -  Facebook -  (Public Page)Private Facebook Group - Emilia’s IG - Emilia’s TikTok - Bianca’s IG - Bianca’s Tiktok -

Show notes:
(4:35) The change you want to make
(6:10) What's stopping you?
(8:50) It's possible for you
(12:26) Stop self-criticism
(15:48) Outro

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(Stay tuned for this Thursday's episode!)