Have you ever questioned why confident people seem to elicit a sense of intimidation? Or why does society often misconstrue someone's confidence as arrogance, leading to isolation and misunderstanding? In this episode, we talk about the complex dynamics between arrogance and confidence. We also share our personal experiences and reveal how these misconceptions occur. We discuss how individuals who embody pure confidence, untouched by arrogance, can be unsettling for many people. We also discuss that understanding confidence and arrogance is vital for personal growth and building authentic relationships.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#161 | Motivation Monday: The Problem Isn't Always What You Think It Is… -
#56 | How to Transform Your Inner "Outcast" Feeling - https://apple.co/4015wG9


Connect with Emilia, Bianca & the EVOLVE VENTURES Community:

Website: www.evolveventurestech.com Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/evolveventures/  Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EvolveVenturesTech  (Public Page)Evolve Ventures Society (Private Facebook Group) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/457130589193794 Emilia’s IG - https://www.instagram.com/evolvewithemilia/  Emilia’s TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@evolvewithemilia Bianca’s IG - https://www.instagram.com/evolvewithbianca/  Bianca’s Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@evolvewithbianca?_t=8gq3wqu4fAx&_r=1   Connect with Emilia & Bianca from Evolve Ventures for FREE: https://bit.ly/3THiEN4

Show notes:
[4:10] Emilia and Alan know themselves at a deep level
[6:49] See more accurately
[9:23] Masking insecurities
[12:15] High confidence is usually villainized
[15:31] Derek thanks Emilia and Bianca for his phenomenal experience as a member of the Evolve Ventures team
[17:46] Embodying confidence
[20:19] Abundantly compliment someone
[22:13] "You probably hear this all the time."
[25:15] Go deeper and learn from another person
[27:24] The humility to own it
[30:56] Outro

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(Stay tuned for this coming Monday's episode!)