Regaining trust in oneself after making decisions that lead to negative outcomes can be daunting. In today’s episode, we bust the myth of sky-high expectations and how they can lead to a feeling of drowning in our ambitions. We discuss the significance of pacing ourselves by setting manageable goals and gradually transforming them into habits. It's about knowing we can trust ourselves to keep the momentum going. We touch on self-compassion when mistakes happen and the value of staying motivated to maintain our goals. So tune in, and let's embark on a journey to regain trust in ourselves and build a momentum of success.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#80 | What to Do When it Doesn't Feel Right -


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Show notes:
[2:57] Not trusting yourself
[7:28] One of the reasons why you don't trust yourself
[9:00] Who you are "supposed to be"
[13:16] Set goals as small as possible to start
[16:38] Outro

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(Stay tuned for this Thursday's episode!)